Defining Your Vision

Defining your vision

Before you create a marketing plan, even before you develop your marketing goals, you need to have a vision. Defining your vision is crucial when you are starting a business. It’s what you picture for your company’s progress and where you hope it will be at a certain point in the future. It is the …

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Understanding Media Options

Understanding media options

I’ve been teaching a course at a local college called “Understanding Mass Media,” which inspired  me to share with you all the various media options and channels you have for communicating with and marketing to your target/prospective customers. In the marketing world, “the media” refers to any marketing communications channels or vehicles. It can be …

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Creating Persuasive Proposals

Creating proposals

Are You Creating Proposals That Sell? If you are trying to sell something, whether it be a product, service, solution or idea, you will probably find yourself creating a proposal about it that you submit to a target individual, group or company. Proposals are a sales and marketing tool that is often written by those …

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