Understanding Media Options

Understanding media options

I’ve been teaching a course at a local college called “Understanding Mass Media,” which inspired  me to share with you all the various media options and channels you have for communicating with and marketing to your target/prospective customers. In the marketing world, “the media” refers to any marketing communications channels or vehicles. It can be …

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Importance of Integrating Public Relations

Integrating public relations

Integrating Public Relations Companies may think about conducting public relations if they have an image to improve or uphold, a crisis to defend or a news release to distribute. But, if they think that’s all PR is for, their thinking is so 1995. While today’s marketing focus tends to be fixated on the digital activities …

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Honing Your Core Messages

Honing your core messages

When it comes to creating written communications about your business, whether for your website, social media, an email campaign, a press release or a company brochure, you need to do more than declare who you are and what you do. Good communications is the key to success in business. While it’s important to be clear …

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Maximizing Social Media

maximizing social media

With the pandemic and more people working from home than in the office, there is greater engagement and interaction on social media. We’re seeking connection, and with social distancing becoming the norm right now, social media is the best place to find that. Importance of Maximizing Social Media Facebook issued a report last week that …

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Pivoting Your Marketing

Pivoting your marketing

Smart businesses that are still operating during the Coronavirus era have realized how essential it is to do things differently now. “Pivoting” has been become the buzzword of 2020 for many business owners who have needed to develop new business strategies or reinvent themselves if they are going to continue to thrive or survive. We’ve …

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Communication During a Crisis

Crisis communication

The Corona Crisis Communication Dilemma If you are thinking you can and should continue marketing your business as usual right now, think again. In these unusual times we currently find ourselves, unique crisis communication strategies must emerge. I see businesses still sending salesy emails and direct mail pieces as if nothing has happened. They seem …

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Marketing Via Networking

Marketing Via Networking

As we all know, marketing encompasses many different activities, such as public relations, social media, advertising, inbound marketing, search engine marketing. content marketing, etc. One activity that businesses might not consider part of their marketing program is networking. All businesses should do some type of networking to maintain visibility in the market and engage more …

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Building Relationships With the Media

maximizing social media

My previous blog talked about what your company needs to do to prepare for launching a media relations effort. I outlined the necessary steps for capturing media attention and ultimately getting that coveted media coverage. This blog covers the all-important subject of building relationships with the media. Ensure You Have the Right Media Contacts Once …

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