Understanding Media Options

Understanding media options

I’ve been teaching a course at a local college called “Understanding Mass Media,” which inspired  me to share with you all the various media options and channels you have for communicating with and marketing to your target/prospective customers. In the marketing world, “the media” refers to any marketing communications channels or vehicles. It can be …

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Importance of Integrating Public Relations

Integrating public relations

Integrating Public Relations Companies may think about conducting public relations if they have an image to improve or uphold, a crisis to defend or a news release to distribute. But, if they think that’s all PR is for, their thinking is so 1995. While today’s marketing focus tends to be fixated on the digital activities …

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Maximizing Social Media

maximizing social media

With the pandemic and more people working from home than in the office, there is greater engagement and interaction on social media. We’re seeking connection, and with social distancing becoming the norm right now, social media is the best place to find that. Importance of Maximizing Social Media Facebook issued a report last week that …

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The Art of Listening in Marketing

Listening in marketing

Marketing people often think like sales people, focusing on the pitch of their product or service. However, before even creating that pitch, they need to do some “listening” for the pitch to be effective. Every savvy business owner knows they need to consider the various constituents in their target audience — their partners, shareholders, and, …

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Re-Engaging Customers

Re-Engaging Customers

As the economy reopens, businesses need to think about re-engaging customers. They need to do marketing, particularly public relations, and have a strong PR play more than ever before. However, everything that’s going on right now — from the pandemic to social issues to discussions about the November election — is taking up all the …

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Essential Marketing Tactics

essential marketing tactics

When creating a marketing plan for the new year, what are the essential marketing tactics you should include? In my last blog, I discussed the areas of your marketing that you should reassess as you start your marketing planning for the new year (especially if you haven’t looked at these areas since developing your plan …

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Marketing Planning for the New Year

Marketing planning for the new year

Marketing experts advise that you should start your new year marketing planning a few months in advance, however many business owners wait until the actual new year arrives to start focusing on the year ahead. There’s something about a new year to rev up the thinking and dreaming about trying new tactics, launching new initiatives …

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Understanding Marketing Trends

understanding marketing trends

When people talk about marketing these days, you may hear them using various terms or “buzzwords” that refer to current trends, such as “digital marketing,” “inbound marketing” or “search engine marketing.” I’ve talked with companies who are somewhat bewildered and overwhelmed hearing about these marketing trends and the thought of trying to keep up with …

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Maximizing Your Online Presence

Maximizing Online Presence

There’s a saying that goes something like this: “If you’re not doing business online, you’re not doing business.” These days, every company needs to be doing business online and have an online presence. And I’m not talking about just “having” a website. I’ve encountered businesses who believe that “if I build it, they will come” …

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